
Thank you for taking the time to view my portfolio of work.  Each piece shown here is representative of my experience and my creativity.  Please view my Current Offerings page if you would like to consider the items I currently have available. Thanks!

Special Design 2016 included many elements of current designCustom Parts Collection

These are the components of a project I did in 2016 for a client with a tree stump they wanted incorporated into a sculpture. The main feature, prickly pears are also known as tuna (fruit), sabra, nopal (paddle, plural nopales) from the Nahuatl word nōpalli for the pads, or nostle, from the Nahuatl word nōchtli for the fruit; or paddle cactus.  It is two parts made from flat steel with carved wood fruit painted red. The Roadrunners are in two sizes and the Owl was my first atempt at the bird.  The final product picture will be included soon.


airplane 01The Airplane

The Airplane was made as a gift during the late 70’s for a friend and fellow plot and flight instructor. It is made of light metal rod and covered with tin from large fruit containers. The welding technique was brazing. You will also notice some bolts for engine parts and a few cut nails.


Not For Sale.

the bridge 01The Bridge

A rendition of the Golden Gate Bridge referred to only as “THE BRIDGE’. It was completed in the early-1980s and earned an Honorable Mention at a State of Arizona employee art show. It is scraps of steel and brass rod welded together with a technique called brazing.


Not For Sale.

IMG 20181102 182223997Sonoran Arts League 11/2018


Sonoran Arts League Veterans Art Sale, this is the Ocotillo with the Wagon Wheel base. You may see it in more detail in Current Offerings.

AZ Flowers 01The Arizona Flowers

These Arizona Flowers never need water and hold their color quite well.  They are pre-made tiles purchased at a home improvement center.  They are hot glued to a  ¼ inch angle iron frame, welded to a metal stem with a wire feed electric welder.  The base is a metal pump housing salvaged from an office building mechanical room.

 Not For Sale.

Teapot FlowersTeacup Flowers

 Tired of replanting seasonal flower, only to have them die in the Arizona sun, I put together this set of tea cups found at Goodwill, with 1/4 inch pencil rod and 14 guage steel leaves to make a long lasting flower display.

metal dandy 01Metal Dandy with Brass Base

This Faded Dandelion is commonly found in lawns and the parts blow away. This one made from sheet metal screws welded to a large metal nut stays around throughout the seasons, never has much color, but has character with its large brass water valve for a base. 

Not For Sale.

the black catThe Black Cat

 This piece was custom done for the Black Cat Coffee Shop located the NW corner of 48th Street & Indian School at The Arcadia Towne Center in Phoenix, Arizona. It is approximatley 19 inches tall and  comprised of found pices such as the large Black Cat mug and the nice little coffee cup and saucer combinations. Scroll in and you will note the coffee bean design on the cup and saucer. If you would like something specal made contact me using the contact page.